Hi Everyone!
It's great to be back to host again for week 16!
After going with a week focused around hip hop and rap, I wanted to give you guys music from a broader
spectrum this week. Some songs are well known and some aren't.
Let's get to the music!
Uplifting EDM - Happiness Amplified by Above & Beyond
This is probably the best known song for the week and easily one of my favorite songs by Above & Beyond.
From the first time I heard this song, I was hooked. It quickly became my go to windows down driving
I also put this song in this week because in less than a month, Michael will make the long trek from
Seattle to D.C. and we'll be seeing Above & Beyond live at Echostage! I've wanted to see them live for
so long so it will be so much fun to finally make it happen!
Emotional Indie Pop - untitled by EDEN
When Michael first launched Four Track Friday, he asked if you were on a deserted island and could only
take two artists who would you take. For me, EDEN is definitely one of my artists. You can feel the
expression in his voice making for such a soothing listening experience and, depending on your mood, it
can be quite emotional.
untitled is EDEN's latest release. EDEN began his musical career in 2013 as The Eden Project and
featured more conventional styles of EDM. Then in 2015 he ended The Eden Project, took on his new
persona, EDEN, and ventured more into the indie pop scene. I personally like his later music much more
as it is more vocal heavy and he lets his stunning voice take center stage.
Enigmatic Hip Hop - XO by Lupe Fiasco
Like all of this album, this song is packed with meaning but is rather difficult to discern as it drifts
into the realm of esoterica. Luckily, Lupe tweeted the meaning when he said XO is "basically about a
depressed runaway hooked on molly who gets abducted by aliens who heal her by wiping her memory and
turning her into a computer. Duh."
If the meaning behind the lyrics is too weird for you (I don't blame you), just sit back and enjoy his
only good song since he released "Lasers."
Dance Inducing Pop - Fight It by Mr. Popular
It's tough for me to think of a truer statement than the opening line of this song. I can't stop
listening to this song and it really is so f*cking catchy. It's very difficult for me to listen to this
song and not find myself grooving to the beat in my seat.
That's all the songs for this week! I hope you enjoyed them!
As always, this week’s tracks are added to the collectors for all weeks' tracks, also on
Apple Music.
Of course, don’t forget to reply with
what you liked, didn’t like, and what you’ve been listening to.