Four Track Friday

Four Track Friday
Episode 18

Hi Everyone!

It's week 18 and I'm still really busy. I'll be back to writing long emails soon!

Something smooth - This Must Be The Place by Fenech-Soler

This is another one from Hans. He recently sent me a HUGE playlist of awesome stuff I've never heard. Be more like Hans. Send me more music.

Super smooth with a name that's sure to make you sound cool at parties when you talk about "this sweet artist you just discovered."

Pop - A Thousand Bad Times by Post Malone

This one comes from Scott and it's the first song I've ever heard from Post Malone!

I really dig lyrics of this one. Somehow they are simultaneously uplifting and depressing.

Downtempo Indie - Skin by San Cisco

Fresh from San Cisco! If you haven't heard their older stuff, you must get on that immediately.

They're coming out with a new album soon. Trust me, you need more Scarlet in your life.

Hip-Hop with a Piano - Another Day in the Life by Cise Star and Mr. SOS

Joseph sent me this one and I've been vibing to it for days. You will too.

As always, this week’s tracks are added to the collectors for all weeks' tracks, also on Spotify and Apple Music.

Of course, don’t forget to reply with what you liked, didn’t like, and what you’ve been listening to.

