Hi Everyone!
Joseph here! It's great to be hosting the first 4TF of the new decade! To make it even better, I think this is my best week of music yet. I found some small artists with big time talent.
Also of note, Michael is currently on his second silent meditation retreat. We went on one together in Boston back in July. It's safe to say we both had incredible experiences as he is already on his second and I'm scheduled to go on my second this April. I know I speak for both of us when I say that if you meditate, take the leap and go on a week long retreat. You won't regret it.
Related to this, there is going to be a slight delay in updating the playlists on Spotify and Apple Music. Before he left for retreat, Michael gave me access to all the code to write and send the email but we forgot to give me access to the playlists. I'll be sure to tell him to update them as soon as he returns from seeking enlightenment!
Back to the music! Like I said, I tried to find small artists. The smallest this week is my favorite, Kim Ven, coming in at just 2k monthly listeners. After you hear her song, you'll probably be as surprised as I was. I'm going to keep the song descriptions short this week and let the music do the talking.
With that, let's get into the first music of 2020!
Falsetto Forward Jazzy Pop - Nicotine by Ashley Alexander
First up we have this gem. Ashley's range in this song is incredibly impressive. This is one of his two songs he currently has on Spotify. His first being "Best Song." Ashley's vocals and beats are very groovy and you'll find yourself struggling to refrain from dancing in your seat.
Shockingly, Ashley only comes in at 5k monthly listeners. "Nicotine" is experiencing some success with over 600k listens to this point. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't mind if he got some more love and exposure so we could hear even more of his vocals.
Playfully Progressive Beats - Lotus by Galdive | Osvaldorio | Wiana
Interview with Filter
I love this collaboration. It features fractured female vocals just tantalizingly short of full strength that leave me wanting so much more. But in a good way. A very, very good way. In a way that makes me leave this song on repeat, vibing the entire time.
My favorite component of this song is the playful piano slightly off-beat featured throughout. It adds a sense of levity that leads straight into the beautiful final 45 seconds of the song. If I only heard the last 45 seconds, I would think that I was watching a Studio Ghibli movie (if you don't understand this reference please educate yourself. P.S. start with Spirited Away).
Melancholic Melody - Too Good by Kedam
This one is a little more low key than the others for the week. In fact, this is one of Kedam's slowest songs coming in at just over 100 bpm. The slower bpm is accompanied by down beat, reflective lyrics. The guitar serves as a fantastic compliment to the seductively splendid bass line.
Hopefully, this song doesn't bring a specific person to mind for you. But, then again, if you've been looking for a way to get out of that relationship, maybe just text your s/o a link to this song. Who knew Kedam could not only give you chill vibes but also help you with a breakup.
Enchanting Electronica - Sunrise by Lamalo | Kim Ven
Song Exploded
Last but certainly not least, we have my favorite for the week. Kim's voice comes through the speaker smooth yet effortless. Surprisingly enough, Kim and Lamalo produced this in Lamalo guitarist Yossi Casscun's home kitchen studio. Along with the release of the EP comes their first ever music video for Sunrise.
Of all the four songs of the week, this is the one I had on repeat for the longest. It reminds me of the days when I saw the sun for more than 6 hours every day (I don't know how you Seattle folks do it). So sit back, get yourself a Corona, and let Kim transport you to a warmer, happier climate.
As always, this week’s tracks are added to the collectors for all weeks' tracks on
Apple Music.
Of course, don’t forget to reply with
what you liked, didn’t like, and what you’ve been listening to.