Hi friends,
It's wonderful to be back and hosting. It's less wonderful to have so many people asking me,
"Why can't you be more funny like Elliot was?" I guess that's the last time he guest hosts...
Of course I'm kidding; what a great episode it was! Speaking of guest hosts, I think you
have a lot to look forward to. We have two hosts in the queue: M. Wang and Paige for March and
April, respectively. Additionally, I am finally interviewing our next artist, il:lo. I hope to
release it next month!
That's not all that's coming your way. I swear I'm one more day's effort away from publishing
a web application that will allow you to see all the older episodes!
Lastly, we are up to 140 tracks and 74 listeners! That's exciting! Those
of you counting at home may ask, "Doesn't that divide evenly by four? Didn't Joseph and Nate
send out five for their week?" Unfortunately, The Basics by Price has been removed from Spotify.
But that does mean that the duo accidentally counted to four correctly!
I am super excited this week that Tycho has released
the companion album to last year's Weather. All the tracks have been re-imagined without vocals,
getting back to something with which Tycho's longest-time fans will be more familiar. Check it out!
Let's dive into this week's tracks! I specifically aimed at bringing you something upbeat. I don't
know about you, but I'm starting to notice the sun up earlier and out later. It's got me yearning for
summer proper and these are some tunes that will play perfectly with the car windows
down and the volume up.
Indie Afro-pop | Latitude by JAKE
"What's the hardest part of being a young artist in the twenty-first century?" JAKE replied,
"That everyone in the 21st century is a young artist."
Trying to cut out a space for yourself in the love-filled pop song market can be hard, but it seems
to me that JAKE is doing it rather nicely. The authenticity of his lyrics combined with his
satisfying metaphor end up at something that can make you smile. Throw his South African influences,
deep groove, and catchy hooks into the mix and you've got an absolute tune on your hands.
Surf ska | Citrus Skies by Tunnel Vision feat. Angela Hunte
I would almost go so far as to say that this song is capable of defining what summer is.
Its laid back beat, acoustic guitar, brass, and perfectly layered hook will bask you in sunny rays no
matter where you are. The production quality is delightful to boot. If you
put on a nice pair of headphones you may notice Angela Hunte's sweet serenade permanently caressing
your right cochlea. It's nice, especially for you ASMR lovers.
I first found Tunnel Vision when they opened for The Expendables and Reel Big Fish at an outdoor
show in Cape Canaveral. I don't know how into reggae and ska you are, but those two acts are huge
and Tunnel Vision struck me as the perfect young act to take the torch from those mainstays. Their
live energy exceeds what's recorded and their stage presence is guaranteed to bring smile to your face
as you sway with the music. Don't miss them if they come to a venue near you!
Indie rock | Affection by Jess Day
Get to Know Jess Day
Jess Day is a fresh solo act out of the Great Land of Delicious Music. Hailing from
Adelaide after growing up in an isolated Australian mining town, she's capturing the bygone vibe of
acts like Avril Lavigne and Kelly Clarkson.
The simple guitar rifts and biting lyrics will probably come together to piss you off if you're
in a situation similar to what Jess describes. However, if you're not being neglected by your significant other,
you'll happily bop your head along to the beat.
Additionally, see if you pick up on my favorite thing about this one. Somewhere in the hook
Jess sings the word "affection" in an upper register tucked away in the background, but pans the audio
back-and-forth between ears. I'm here for it.
Alt pop | TALK DEEP by E^ST
This one has been in the queue for far too long. Luckily, it fit this week's vibe perfectly.
Normally writing music that's a bit more serious (like
Mel Bester says she was "keen to break out
of that and have a dance and have fun" with this one.
I don't know your love language, but if you're into a good conversation you will find
that this could just be your anthem. I've never heard this type of connection sung about so directly
and it's very satisfying to hear Bester do it. Her voice, which is somehow simultaneously wispy and heavy,
over top of the straightforward bass line deliver something to dance to.
Of course, don’t forget to reply with
what you liked, didn’t like, and what you’ve been listening to.
And, as always, this week’s tracks are added to the collectors for all weeks' tracks on
Apple Music.