Hi friends,
No intro, all music!
Hi friends,
No intro, all music!
People are calling Mia Rodriguez the Australian Billie Eilish and I have to say they have it right. In fact, I bet that if I told you this was Billie it'd be believable. However, with only two tracks and just over one-hundred-thousand monthly listeners on Spotify you can listen and feel cool (since I know many of you are revolted simply by Billie's popularity; your loss).
Based in Sydney, Rodriguez cites her primary influences as K Pop, mainstream pop, and hip-hop. She got started on TikTok and grew her following to over two-million in just over a year. Now she's working with producer Dave Hammer, who also works with Four Track alumnus Lime Cordiale.
This track is quite poppy with all the usual signals: a great hook, a strong vocal lead, and satisfying layering. The lyrics combine with the sound effects, though, to give this one its unique vibe. She's just so contagiously cavalier!
A short while ago, Mike Wang and I went to see Télépopmusik perform at Nectar Lounge. Naturally, I listened to a lot of their music in the preceding weeks. While I moved on to other music afterward, I've kept coming back to push "play" on this one, though.
Normally Télépopmusik makes more "chill" electronica. I'm sure you've all heard their "Breathe" before and know what I mean. However, this one is a bit different. It gets Juice Aleem and his defiant staccato verses on top. His lyrics are delightfully clever and at times rather funny. The ending is one of the weirder ones from Télépopmusik's 2001 album, Genetic, and I love that.
All in all this uniting of the French duo and English emcee is one and I can listen to over and over again and I hope you enjoy it too.
Just after I discovered Sofar Sounds from Broods' recorded performance there years ago, I found Catastrophe & Cure with a video from that same channel. I've followed them ever since and today they released a new album!
They're an Austrian quintet who began releasing music in 2012. Since then, they've now released three albums. The first was rather guitar-driven while the second embraced more electronic influences. On this most recent, they have gotten back to the sound of the first album, but they've brought enough of the lo-fi electronic vibe with them from the second to make it something fresh.
This track has me totally hooked. The pacing of it is perfect and at no point am I tempted to feel bored. The track moves enjoyably from intro to verse to hook to bridge and back. The drumming, though simple, perfectly glues the track together as the guitars, backgrounded synth, and vocals weave in, out, and through each other for just over three minutes. Add in that the most emphasized words are "love" and "downfall" and you've got something I can truly get behind.
I am happy to have this track to put on 4 Track this week. Alex sent it to me and it's perfect to help #Keep4TrackWeird. After meeting in the UK a few years ago, Joseph and Kenzo became the French duo known as Love Supreme. They've lived all around the world and, when asked what has mainly inspired them, Joseph replied: wine in London, Brooklyn Lager in New York, Red Stripe in Jamaica, and Ti' Punch in Guadeloupe. No matter which alcohol inspired this specific song, I hope you enjoy its solemn yet oddly uplifting tone, uniquely deep voice, and flittering piano.
Of course, don’t forget to reply with what you liked, didn’t like, and what you’ve been listening to.
And, as always, this week’s tracks are added to the collectors for all weeks' tracks on Spotify and Apple Music.