Four Track Friday

4 Track Friday
Episode 57

Hi friends,

DJ & Rachel here.


Thanks for letting me host again. There were so many songs I wanted to share but I narrowed it down to one theme: funk. I’ve been really into anything that has a groovy beat and gives me that slinky feeling (IYKYK). Hope you like these songs and that they make you dance a little.

Funky Soul Pop | Making Love by Sir Woman

This Austin based band gives me strong Lake Street Dive vibes. Kelsey Wilson, the frontwoman of Wild Child, is the voice of Sir Woman and originally Sir Woman started as an outlet for her while touring with Wild Child but quickly realized that she need to share this music. Sir Woman only has a few singles out right now, all with the same groovy/funky up beat sounds in "Making Love." No new music for this year but here’s to hoping they continue.

R&B Indie Funk | Grapefruit by Speak Easy

It was hard to find much info on Speak Easy… so elusive. This St. Pete’s, Florida based band is comprised of four dudes who like to take rock tunes and add layers of funk, R&B and sometimes reggae. Grapefruit is the perfect chill summer tune to get your shoulders moving and after a long day of sitting at a desk, it’s refreshing like a grapefruit. They have a few EP's out that all have the same sunny sound they bring to this song.


I have no theme, but I do really like these two songs. I had a lot songs I was thinking of putting here, maybe even some super funky stuff to keep with Rachel's theme. However, I decided to go for the songs with the fewer listens to expand our musical horizons and make me look more hip. Hope you enjoy.

Indie Pop Rock | We're All Gonna Die by The Bubbles

This song feels like a perfect fit for the pandemic lifestyle we find ourselves in. This song reminds us that we are all human and we will all die some day. It's also pretty negative, in the sense that it is telling us nothing we do matters, but... it delivers that negativity in very positive fashion. The Bubbles is an Austin "band" that is actually just one dude, William Glosup. Active from 2007-2011 The Bubbles have since stopped creating music and as far as I can tell, only put out one album Daydreaming in Technicolor.

Medieval Rap | Dice of Life (The Battle) by Andre Nickatina

No clue where I found this song (I assume through discover weekly) but I love it. It has an interesting medieval music sound, but it's surprisingly chill and I've listend to it on repeat. This song delivers some awesome rhymes and there's an inspirational ending, so it checks all the boxes. Andre Nickatina has been in the hip-hop scene since 1992! He's based out of the SF Bay Area.

Bonus Track from Rachel

Indie Funk | Rain by Whitney

It was really hard to settle on just two songs this week so here’s a bonus. This Chicago band got their start in 2015. Max Kakacek of Smith Westerns & Julien Ehrlich of Unknown Mortal Orchestra started Whitney, focusing on a making music from a more personal point of view. Most of their music fits in the indie folk category but "Rain" has a funkiness to it which I love. In their recent EP, they have a great cover of “Take Me Home, Country Roads” which is a great song and a great cover.

Of course, don’t forget to reply with what you liked, didn’t like, and what you’ve been listening to.

And, as always, this week’s tracks are added to the collectors for all weeks' tracks on Spotify and Apple Music.

DJ & Rachel