Four Track Friday

4 Track Friday
Episode 88

Hey 4TF Readers!

My name is Lily Bird. I would have just said "Lily," however I am usually known as "lilybird" (gotta roll it off the tongue all together). I'm six weeks into living in Seattle as a transplant from Memphis. In week two, who do I meet through a mutual friend but the faithful 4TF co-founder, Tanner! We instantly bonded over our love for different genres of music and discovering some more underground artists. I'm super stoked to be guest hosting!

Breakup Bubblegrunge | Lemonade | Rubblebucket

Rubblebucket is a former couple, "consciously uncoupled" in 2015 after 11 years together (aka broken up for the betterment of both individuals while remaining friends). This lead to the duo providing us with their juiciest album yet, Sun Machine (2018). As described by the band themselves, "Sun Machine documents the pain of ending [our] romantic relationship, yet emerges as an unbridled and often-euphoric celebration of [our] lasting connection". "Lemonade" scratches that funk itch that my musical brain needs, complete with a brass solo 3/4ths in.

FunkRap TikTok Drafts | Tanjiro | Xavier Goodman

Okokok - If you are a millennial bashing TikTok these days, this will be my first of two attempts today to convince you to change your mind. Xavier Goodman (@xaviergoodman1) is out here posting nuggets of PURE GOLD I tell you. Allegedly he is even working on an album that will come out later this year. His beats, lyrics, and production are straight. up. fun. You Tyler the Creator fans out there will immediately recognize the glorious future that could be in store for this guy.

Spacey Jazz Pop | Half Acres | Louis Prince

Nashville artist Louis Prince (real name: Jake McMullen) released his debut album Thirteen in 2020 with "Half Acres" out the year prior as its first single. The mix of piano trills, chewy guitar riffs, tight synthesized drums, and floaty falsetto vocals transcend you into a spacey, jazz inspired song. "Half Acres" is about "themes of change, figuring out who you are in relation to others and your surrounding landscape, as well as, the idea of commitment and lack thereof." Anyone else relating to this?! Especially during Covid times?!

Meme Rap | Beam | Payday

Payday is a 17 year old fiery, give-no-fucks rap artist from Seattle, WA (whoop whoop), and you can find her eating up freestyle raps on, you guessed it, TikTok (@everyonelovespayday). Her flow and raspy voice are reminiscent of a young Maccy boy (RIP). Her debut album It's Just Music came out in 2020 with "Beam" stealing the show as a fun little ditty clocking in at just under 2 minutes. At ten years her senior, I find myself forced to agree with "don't fall in love; it's not what it seems."

Of course, don’t forget to reply with what you liked, didn’t like, and what you’ve been listening to.

And, as always, this week’s tracks are added to the collectors for all weeks' tracks on Spotify and Apple Music.
